Chris McKay
Licensed Insolvency Practitioner in Cambridge & Peterborough
Please get in touch. We don’t charge for an initial meeting and we are always happy to chat. Call me on 01223 803445, email or click the chat button
Licensed Insolvency Practitioner in Cambridge & Peterborough
Please get in touch. We don’t charge for an initial meeting and we are always happy to chat. Call me on 01223 803445, email or click the chat button
The administrator will be looking to sell the business and often the best buyer will be the current directors. They know the value of the business and can offer more for the business as they understand the risks. Third party buyers will discount the price to cover unknowns. The business will need to be advertised to make sure that we get the market price for it
Employees can be kept on by the Administrator to run the business while a buyer is found. They will be paid while working for the administrator and if the company ceases to trade they can still get their redundancy money from the Government